An Unconventional Guide to Lucid Dreaming, brought to you by Lucid
You are not awake, so say the great spiritual traditions.
You may then ask the question, “If I am not awake, then what am I other than asleep, and if I were to wake up, what would I be waking up to?”
I am going to take a bold step and answer that question.
You’d be waking up to what already is.
For me that is a completely unsatisfactory answer, but it is the truth.
What ‘is’, becomes the point of the conversation once your attention has been knocked about, turned around, shaken up and aimed toward a different perspective on life.
Now, I will jump around for a moment, so forgive me, but what we are heading toward is awakening and then enlightenment, but I will leave enlightenment alone for now for a very good reasons which I will come to at some point in time, but not here.
This is the fundamental play of Lucid dreaming.
You are awake in your dream, while existing within your dream, while staying in the dream.
What unfolds within the dream is going to depend on what is taking place in your life, in your unconscious, in your familiarity with the world as seen and experienced through out all of your life.
When I am working with people, I always make sure they know that their dream world has a context that is individual to them yet, there are shared qualities that our dreams have with one another.
I want you to get this, because it is a critical point in the dreaming. There is a difference between ‘The Content of the Dream’ and ‘The Act Of Being In and Of The Dream’.
Also, there is a difference between you and everyone else, as your very present experience of life will affect the way you interpret your dreams.
The above is what makes this an unconventional guide.
Most people only explore the content of their dreams.
There is a gift of wisdom and insight available to those who come to understand the content is only a sliver of the dream itself.
The dreamer matters as much if not more than the content.
Let me end this very short guide with another example that you might have experienced for yourself, if not you will still understand the power of what I am sharing with you.
Have you ever dreamt of events that happened during your waking hours?
Of course you may be saying, all the time.
Do you think it is only a one way street?
Most people do.
Well, have you ever woken up from a dream feeling disturbed and bothered, tired and confused?
Probably so…
So, you now have had two experiences, one where the day comes into the night and another where the night has woken up into the day.
At what point do you decide to separate the two from each other?
At what point do you decide the dream has come to and end and the ‘real’ day has begun?
The questions you ask yourself or the questions I would ask you can open up your dreaming experience into a world that was not previously available to you, only because you didn’t know that it was always there.
And what was always there…
I will save that or the paid conversations I have with clients because only you can answer that for yourself. And I promise you the answer will transform your experience of life.
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